Korean cuisine

Korean cuisine - quick and easy recipes - page 2

20 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Korean cuisine. How about trying one of these 20 recipes today? The preparation time is 10 - 420 minutes, depending on the complexity of the recipe. Recipes such as Homemade beef short ribs recipe, Original Korean fried chicken recipe, The most delicious and not spicy tteokbokki cheese recipe, The easiest Korean potato fritter recipe are among our most popular. Check them out - you might find them appealing too!

Recipe preview The easiest Korean potato fritter recipe

The easiest Korean potato fritter recipe

Korean potato fritter is a dish that you can't miss! Seems difficult to prepare, but this recipe is the easiest way to prepare this delicious meal.
Recipe preview Homemade beef short ribs recipe

Homemade beef short ribs recipe

Short ribs are a cut of beef taken from the brisket, chuck, plate, or rib areas of beef cattle. They consist of a short portion of the rib bone and the surrounding meat, which varies in thickness. Short ribs are popular in many international cuisines.
Recipe preview Quick and easy recipe for Original Dagwood Dog

Quick and easy recipe for Original Dagwood Dog

This is a sausage on a stick that has been coated in a thick layer of cornmeal batter and deep-fried. It originated in the United States and is commonly found in American cuisine, but there is a famous Korean version that is also loved by everyone.
Recipe preview Original Korean fried chicken recipe

Original Korean fried chicken recipe

Korean fried chicken is tastier for several reasons: it is fried twice, it is very crispy on the outside but soft and succulent on the inside, it is seasoned for a few hours with some Asian spices and sauces, batter is special and the sauce is unique.
Recipe preview The most delicious and not spicy tteokbokki cheese recipe

The most delicious and not spicy tteokbokki cheese recipe

This isn't a spicy Tteokbokki cheese version, but is full of flavour with fortified chicken broth. There aren't many variations of this recipe, but this one is special because it uses the western cooking technique to enhance the flavour. Try it!