
Salads - quick and easy recipes - page 5

364 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category salads. Try one of these 364 recipes. These recipes will take about 5 - 600 minutes to prepare. In addition to the ingredients and procedure, each recipe includes an approximate preparation time and number of portions. Recipes such as The best Creamy Potato Salad Recipe, Easy Chickpea Salad with Lemon and Dill, Delicious keto chicken casserole recipe, Healthy and delicious pasta salad are among our most popular. Check them out - you might find them appealing too!

Warm Healthy Freekeh Salad

This vegetarian dish provides the perfect balance of taste and nutrition. It's definitely worth your time!

Fall Roast Feta Pumpkin Salad

This Feta Pumpkin Salad is light, full of autumn flavors, and notably versatile. Ideal for cool nights or a healthy lunch alternative!

Classic Crunchy Carrot Salad

This dish is always a hit. It seems hard to believe that the simplicity of this tangy and succulent dish can bring such delight to the palate.

Simple Basic Crunchy Tossed Salad

This tossed salad has been a constant in my kitchen for years; a quick fix for lunch on busy days or a refreshing side dish for hearty meals.

Crunchy Coleslaw Salad for BBQ

This coleslaw BBQ salad has the perfect crunch, with a blend of sweet and tangy flavors that work well with any type of meat.

Warm Healthy Roasted Vege Salad

This Roasted Vegetable Salad is a delightful dish that emanates a unique blend of garden-fresh flavors, rich textures, and warm colors.

Pickled cucumber salad

Pickled cucumber salad with apple and vegetables is one of my favorite recipes for a quick and healthy snack. The diced pickled cucumbers pair well with the sour apple, and the addition of vegetables gives the salad a lightness.

Vegetable salad with zucchini

Quick and healthy vegetable salad with zucchini and chilli.

Warm Spiced Roast Cauliflower Salad

This Roast Cauliflower Salad bursts with a unique combination of flavors and textures.

Fresh Healthy Pear Salad

This lovely Fresh Pear Salad is a perfect choice for a light lunch or a refreshing side dish.

Simple Italian Panzanella Bread Salad

This Panzanella Salad is a great way to celebrate the finest ingredients of the summer season and make use of leftover bread.

Kimchi salad korean cuisine

Kimchi salad is an essential part of Korean cuisine and I often prepare it for friends and family. The fermented dish is not only delicious, but also good for your health. It takes a little time and patience to make, but the taste is definitely worth it.

Fresh Cranberry Jello Salad

This Cranberry Salad's blend of sweet and tart flavors dances on the palate, with a unique texture that makes it pleasantly unforgettable.

Hearty Green Vege Salad

This salad is the perfect concoction if you need something crispy, juicy, tangy, and healthy, all at the same time.

Mediterranean Avocado Cucumber Salmon Salad

This mix of fresh veggies, avocado, and flavorful salmon inspired from Mediterranean cuisine is simply divine.

Homemade Old-Fashioned Potato Salad Dressing

This dressing brings simple potato salad to a whole new level and makes it a real star on any occasion.