Easy baked beans recipe

VIDEORECIPE Easy baked beans recipe

Beans with vegetables are delicious, it is one of those spoon dishes that you always want to repeat. It is a very simple recipe that is quick and easy to prepare. Learn how to prepare it with the step-by-step recipe.

Know how to cook Kransky sausage. Boil Kransky, bake it, fry  it, air-fry it. Enjoy it differently every time.

The recipe can be found in this article

Know how to cook Kransky sausage. Boil Kransky, bake it, fry it, air-fry it. Enjoy it differently every time.


number of servings
  • 300 gr beans Added to
  • 1 leek Added to
  • 2 tomatoes. Added to
  • 100 ml tomato sauce Added to
  • 1 eggplant Added to
  • 12 onion Added to
  • 12 ground black pepper Added to
  • 1 tablespoon paprika Added to
  • 1 pinch of salt Added to
  • 1 dash of oil Added to


45 min.
1. Step

Start by chopping the vegetables: leek, tomatoes, eggplant, onion and pepper.

Easy baked beans recipe - preparation step 1
2. Step

Now place your pressure cooker on medium-high heat with a dash of oil.

Easy baked beans recipe - preparation step 1
3. Step

Once hot, brown the garlic and then add the leek, stirring from time to time until soft and transparent.

Easy baked beans recipe - preparation step 1
4. Step

At this point, add the pepper and eggplant and stir again until soft.

Easy baked beans recipe - preparation step 1
5. Step

Add the tomato sauce, and a pinch of salt and stir.

Easy baked beans recipe - preparation step 1
6. Step

Then, add the paprika and stir quickly. Then add the beans that you have soaked for at least 8 hours.

Easy baked beans recipe - preparation step 1
7. Step

Cover your saucepan with water.

Easy baked beans recipe - preparation step 1
8. Step

Cover the saucepan and wait for the pressure to rise, when the valve releases air and the signal sounds, turn the heat down to medium or lower and wait 25 minutes for your delicious beans and vegetables to cook.

Easy baked beans recipe - preparation step 1
9. Step

Serve while hot and enjoy.

Easy baked beans recipe - preparation step 1

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