Preview of Pasta with sauce

Pasta with sauce - quick and easy recipes

4 recipes

Discover some tasty recipes from the category Pasta with sauce. How about trying one of these 4 recipes today? The preparation time is 20 - 195 minutes, depending on the complexity of the recipe. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Traditional spaghetti bolognese recipe, Creamy Chicken Pasta of your Dreams!, Fettuccine Alfredo Pasta, Baked Penne Pasta with Spinach and Feta.

Baked Penne Pasta with Spinach and Feta

Penne pasta cooked al dente combines with sautéed spinach, crumbled feta, crème fraîche, and yogurt in this easy vegetarian baked pasta dish.
Recipe preview Creamy Chicken Pasta of your Dreams!

Creamy Chicken Pasta of your Dreams!

A creamy chicken Alfredo with sun dried tomato, spinach and bacon, you'll love how the shredded chicken acts like a mop for the luxurious Alfredo sauce!
Recipe preview Fettuccine Alfredo Pasta

Fettuccine Alfredo Pasta

This fettuccine Alfredo the best pasta anyone can ask for. The Alfredo sauce is made with melting butter, cream, and parmesan cheese, complementing its mouthwatering flavor.
Recipe preview Traditional spaghetti bolognese recipe

Traditional spaghetti bolognese recipe

This recipe for traditional spaghetti bolognese is a tasty and economical way to feed your family!