Preview of Mug recipes

Mug recipes - quick and easy recipes - page 2

18 recipes

Best recipe ideas from the category Mug recipes all in one place! How about trying one of these 18 recipes today? The preparation time is 5 - 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the recipe. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Microwave Chocolate Brownie in a Mug Cake, Best-Ever Chocolate Mug Cake recipe, Best Instant Microwave Mug Cake Recipe, Make the Best-Ever Vanilla Mug Cake.

Recipe preview Make the Best-Ever Vanilla Mug Cake

Make the Best-Ever Vanilla Mug Cake

My Best-Ever Vanilla Mug Cake recipe is the epitome of mug cakes — classic vanilla flavor, loads of sprinkles, and made entirely in less than 5 minutes.
Recipe preview Best-Ever Chocolate Mug Cake recipe

Best-Ever Chocolate Mug Cake recipe

In under 5 minutes, you can have the Best-Ever Chocolate Mug Cake recipe imaginable! Using only a small amount of ingredients you're likely to have on-hand, just mix in a mug and bake in the microwave!