Preview of Minced meat

Minced meat - quick and easy recipes - page 4

99 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Minced meat. Check out one of our great 99 recipes. Preparation time 15 - 240 minutes. You can find the exact preparation time below each recipe. In addition, see how many portions you will get by using the given amount of ingredients. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Easiest Lasagna Ever, Traditional spaghetti bolognese recipe, Best Homemade Meatloaf, Easy Homemade Lasagne Recipe.

Pasta with meatballs

Recipe for perfect Italian pasta with meatballs.

Hearty potatoes minced meat pan

This is a hearty and filling dish that I often make when I have an abundance of potatoes. The ground beef mixes beautifully with the crispy fried potatoes, and a little fresh chive rounds it out at the end. It's a simple classic that's always a hit, whether at home, with friends, or even at parties.

Boulettes de viande hachée (French style meatballs)

This French recipe for "Boulettes de viande hachee "is a real treat and I often prepare it for my family and friends. The delicious meatballs in a simple but tasty sauce are always a hit. It's a quick, easy recipe that goes perfectly with a variety of side dishes - from salads to pasta. Fried meatballs made from minced meat are combined with a tomato sauce.

Grandma's best meatballs recipe

As a child, Grandma's meatballs were always the highlight of every family gathering and Sunday dinner. So this recipe is especially precious to me and I'm proud to share it with the world now. Every bite makes me reminisce and brings back that nostalgic feeling of community and homemade cooking. even though it may seem a bit elaborate at first, every moment invested in making these delicious meatballs is worth it.

Stuffing for croquettes with minced meat

This recipe for minced meat croquette stuffing is very popular in my family. I often prepare it for Christmas or festive dinners, but also as a quick meal for the weekend. Simple to make, yet tasty and filling - it is sure to appeal to both children and adults.

Hearty cabbage mince rice pan-quick lunch

There are few things better than a juicy, spicy cabbage chop pan on a chilly day. This recipe always puts a smile on my face because not only is it hearty and delicious, but it's also surprisingly easy to prepare. It's one of my go-to choices when I'm looking for something filling, but still incorporating light and health-conscious ingredients.

Meatballs in tomato sauce

Meatballs in tomato sauce are one of those dishes that will please every gourmet. The combination of soft minced meat, tomato sauce and various spices makes this dish a real delicacy. Try it and you will not be disappointed!

Delicious Minced Beef Lasagna

Lasagna is one of my favorite dishes to share with the family, not only for its delicious flavor but also for its versatility. This version of minced meat lasagna is a recipe I've perfected over the years and I'm very pleased to share it. With its layers of juicy meat, melted cheese and soft pasta, it is an irresistible combination.

Quick Asian Steamed Pork Dim Sum Dumplings

I am happy to share my favorite recipe for Pork Dim Sum Dumplings which I have mastered over the years. This recipe has been passed down in my family and now it is a favorite at our house. I love to prepare it on special eve and weekends when all my loved ones are present to enjoy this heavenly treat.

Delicious Macaroni with minced meat and tomato

A simple and delicious dish of Italian gastronomy, which perfectly combines the pasta with the juiciness of the meat and the tomato sauce. Ideal for a family lunch or as a special dinner at home.

Delicious Grandma's homemade meatballs

An authentic traditional recipe from the Spanish recipe book, grandma's homemade meatballs. Juicy meatballs full of flavor that will delight children and adults. Perfect to share with family or friends.

Traditional Classic Aussie Beef Meat Pie

An Aussie Meat Pie is a classic Australian dish, well recognized for its delicious, rich, and savory flavors. This warm and comforting pie is often eaten on-the-go in Australia, perfect for a hearty lunch, dinner, or a football match snack. This recipe will yield 6 individual pies, each filled with a luscious blend of minced beef, onions, and a flavorful gravy.

How to cook Japanese Gyoza Pork Dumplings

Japanese Gyoza is a popular dumpling dish enjoyed in many places all over the world. It is characterized by its succulent filling encapsulated by a crispy and tender dumpling wrapper. Perfect for dinners, appetizers, and parties, these dumplings are a sure crowd-pleaser.

Crispy Homemade Fried Pork Egg Rolls

This recipe will guide you on how to make delicious and crispy egg rolls. These are the perfect appetizer to serve at any gathering, and they can be prepared ahead of time and frozen to save time. These egg rolls are filled with a mouth-watering combination of ground pork, cabbage, mushrooms, and garlic, all wrapped up and fried to a golden perfection.

Authentic Traditional Italian Wedding Meatball Soup

Italian Wedding Soup, also known as ‘Minestra Maritata,' is a warm and hearty traditional Italian soup perfect for cold weather or any time you need a feel-good recipe. It combines well-seasoned beef meatballs and pasta in a deliciously seasoned chicken broth with spinach, lending it a perfect marriage of flavors, hence the name 'wedding soup'.

How to make Zha Jiang Mian Fried Sauce Noodles

Zha Jiang Mian, also known as Fried Sauce Noodles, is a popular Northern Chinese dish that combines savory ground pork with fermented soybean paste, freshly cooked noodles, and an assortment of refreshing vegetables. It's a versatile meal and thoroughly comforting, perfect for a quiet night in or a family gathering!