
Potato - quick and easy recipes - page 2

453 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category potato. We have a great collection of 453 recipes to diversify your menu! You will need this much time for the following recipes 10 - 500 minutes. By clicking the recipe, you can see details about the preparation time and the number of portions. See our favorite recipes here - The best Creamy Potato Salad Recipe, The best homemade potato latkes recipe, Baked lamb chops easy recipe, The best Chicken japanese curry recipe - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Butter Noodles

A classic recipe for butter noodles that every lover of traditional cuisine will adore. They are quick and easy to prepare.

Spinach stew

Sour spinach stew with potatoes.

Quick Chicken Breast Spaghetti Sauce

Much better than store bought..

Potato Pancakes

I add milk to make them crispy

Potato Dumplings Stuffed with Smoked Meat

I regularly cook potato dumplings stuffed with smoked meat on the weekends when we are at the cottage.

Potato soup with dumplings

Tasty and quick potato soup with vegetables and dumplings.

Mushroom Soup from Dried Boletus

Recipe for mushroom soup made from dried boletus and vegetables.

Lentil Soup without Flour

Recipe for lentil soup, in which flour is not used.

Oven Baked Fries

Homemade fries prepared in the oven.

Creamy Potato Leek Soup

Creamy potato leek soup is the ideal choice for cold days. It is nutritious, quick, and easy to prepare. It is full of healthy vegetable nutrients.

Roasted Chicken Legs with Potatoes

Delicious, juicy chicken legs roasted to a golden colour, accompanied with aromatic roasted potatoes. An ideal meal for the whole family dinner.

Canned Bean Soup

This simple recipe for homemade bean soup is perfect for chilly days. The soup is filling, healthy, and very tasty. You can make it using canned beans, which significantly reduces the preparation time.

Baked Potatoes with Sauerkraut

Traditional baked potatoes with sauerkraut, suitable as a main course.

Baked Potatoes with Broccoli and Chicken

Baked potatoes with broccoli and chicken are a tasty dish for lunch or dinner.

Potatoes with Sour Cabbage

A traditional dish that is especially popular during the winter months.

Potato Garlic Soup

This is a classic recipe for a simple and tasty potato garlic soup. It's great for cold days or when you fancy something warm.