Preview of Fruit smoothie

Fruit smoothie - quick and easy recipes - page 3

37 recipes

Discover some tasty recipes from the category Fruit smoothie. Try one of these 37 recipes. The preparation time is 5 - 80 minutes, depending on the complexity of the recipe. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - The best homemade smoothie bowl recipe, Traditional Otai smoothie recipe, How to make a fruit smoothie at home?, Raspberry banana smoothie.

Healthy Blueberry Smoothie

This is a smoothie with a secret: a handful of fresh spinach leaves, a powerful source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber (in addition to the blueberries’ fiber and antioxidants) that provide tons of nutrition without tasting that way. It’s great for adults and kids alike. Serve with a spoon and scoop of Granola for a more filling, crunchy treat.

Orange Julius Smoothie

For many, being a teenager in the ’80s meant hanging at the mall and consuming as many cups of Orange Julius as possible. As a nod to this frothy, orangey drink, which remains one of the best takes on a smoothie ever, we created this recipe, a fancier homemade version of the original. For more healthy inspiration, check out our Fruity Smoothie, Healthy Blueberry Smoothie, and Apple-Lemon-Ginger Juice.

Tangy Banana Smoothie

Greek yogurt gives this healthy smoothie a gently tangy edge, a great boost to your morning. To make it vegan, use almond milk in place of regular milk and replace the yogurt with coconut milk. We suggest making with our Granola recipe as a more filling option with an added crunch.
Recipe preview Nutritious and refreshing banana, oatmeal and coffee smoothie.

Nutritious and refreshing banana, oatmeal and coffee smoothie.

This banana smoothie recipe is made with milk and oat flakes, which provide a large number of carbohydrates, ideal for a boost of energy. The banana tastes sweet and delicious, as does the hint of coffee. Don't wait any longer and make it at home!
Recipe preview The best homemade smoothie bowl recipe

The best homemade smoothie bowl recipe

The popular smoothie bowls are perfect for breakfast or snacking on a fruit smoothie with a milk base. This original red fruit smoothie is served with homemade peanut butter and frozen banana, a delight that you can't miss!