Preview of Almonds

Almonds - quick and easy recipes - page 4

314 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Almonds. Check out one of our great 314 recipes. Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 5 - 480 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If you need help choosing, we recommend Tasty Caramel slice, How to make salmon fillets with cheese and spinach sauce?, Fluffy and delicious banana muffins, Easy and tasty traditional Macarons recipe. They are among our most sought-after and popular recipes. We’re sure you’ll love it!

Tasty stuffed sirloin for Christmas

The stuffed sirloin recipe is one of my favorite holiday traditions. Not only is it a very tasty dish, but it is also stunning to look at, and I always get a lot of compliments from my guests. The combination of the flavors of the meat with the sweet and sour nut and apple filling is simply amazing. So, without a doubt, this recipe has been tested and approved by my family and friends year after year.

Recipe for heather sand cookies

I love baking Heidesand, especially at Christmas time. This classic North German pastry is wonderfully crumbly and literally melts in your mouth. I've made this recipe countless times and every time the result has been fantastic. It takes a little patience, but it's definitely worth it.

"Printen" traditional German recipe

I love baking Printen. As a traditional Aachen pastry, they are an absolute must at Christmas time. With their spicy mixture of honey, rock candy and gingerbread spice, they are always a delicious and festive addition. Through years of practice, I have refined my Printen recipe time and time again and I look forward to sharing it with you.

Baked salmon in the oven with potatoes

Recipe for a simple baked salmon in the oven with potatoes and other vegetables.

Almond Christmas pastry

Recipe for almond Christmas pastries with cinnamon, traditionally baked at Christmas.

Delicious Christmas pudding

A winter classic, Christmas pudding is one of my favorite desserts to end December holiday dinners.

Crispy Christmas nut cookies

I love baking these nut cookies at Christmas time. They remind me of my childhood and the cozy hours I spent in my grandmother's kitchen. The spice of the nuts, the tender, buttery cookie dough and the light touch of vanilla sugar make them irresistible. I always look forward to baking them and look forward even more to giving them as gifts and enjoying them.

Make your own chocolate chips 5 ingredients

This recipe for chocolate curd has been perfected after countless attempts and failures in my own kitchen. The key is the right chocolate and the right sugar. The chocolate is gently melted and then finished off with a topping that makes it extra crunchy. Nothing is better than homemade chocolate - trust me!

Homemade marzipan

Marzipan is a favorite treat all over the world, especially in Germany where my grandmother always prepared homemade marzipan for us. This simple recipe is the very one I have been using to make marzipan for my family and friends for years. It has also helped me to relive the sweet taste of my childhood.

Egg white cookies with nuts

I always like to make this recipe for egg white cookies when I have leftover egg whites after baking. It's super easy and the cookies are delicious and high in protein. They are perfect for a snack between meals or on the go.

Grandma's almond cookies

Almond cookies are an absolute must in our family at Christmas time. They are incredibly easy to make, have a crunchy texture and are full of almond flavor. I inherited this recipe from my grandma, who used to bake these cookies for us every Christmas. Every bite brings back fond childhood memories for me.

Creamy salmon soup

This soup is creamy, rich and rare, thanks to the pieces of salmon that swim in the delicious cream.

Fried salmon

I made this recipe for fried salmon during a weekend lunch for my family and it was delicious!

Gluten-free gingerbread

Gluten-free spicy gingerbread cookies, which are also gluten-free, so anyone with celiac disease can enjoy them.

Fantastically delicious almond macaroons

Almond macaroons are an absolute must in my family at Christmas time. They are sweet, crunchy and full of almond flavor. With this traditional recipe, which I have tested and refined time and time again, my almond macaroons are a sure-fire hit at any festive occasion.

One-dish cakes with salmon

One-dish salmon cakes that are ideal as a quick snack for home celebrations.