Preview of Vegetable salads

Vegetable salads - quick and easy recipes - page 2

177 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Vegetable salads. We have a great collection of 177 recipes to diversify your menu! The preparation time is 5 - 600 minutes, depending on the complexity of the recipe. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Easy Chickpea Salad with Lemon and Dill, The best Caesar salad recipe, The best pumpkin salad recipe, Homemade egg and potato salad recipe.

Fried Brussels Sprouts

A hearty and healthy side dish that portrays Brussels sprouts in a new and exciting way. This fried Brussels sprouts dish is crispy, delicious, and incredibly easy to make.

Potato Salad with Yogurt and Chives

This refreshing and healthy potato salad with yogurt and chives is perfect for grilling or as a light lunch. It is full of flavors and lightened by using yogurts instead of mayonnaise.

Oven-Roasted Brussels Sprouts

This delicious Brussels sprouts recipe is easy to prepare and perfect for a healthy, autumnal dinner. The Brussels sprouts are seasoned with olive oil, salt and pepper, and roasted in the oven until they are crispy and golden brown.

Apple Red Cabbage

A classic German dish, particularly enjoyed during the cold season. The Apple Red Cabbage is a delicious side dish to meats and potatoes.

Winter salad with roasted nuts and goat's cheese

This winter salad is one of my favorite dishes in the cold season. The combination of crunchy lettuce, hearty goat's cheese and crunchy roasted nuts not only offers an extraordinary taste experience, but is also a visual highlight. I have made this recipe so many times for my family and friends and it always gets rave reviews.

Fresh Orange Salad with Avocado

This Orange Salad with Avocado recipe is the perfect balance of creamy and citrusy flavors, making it a refreshing side dish or a light lunch.

Vegan potato salad

A healthier version of potato salad that is also suitable for vegans.

Potato salad with mayonnaise

A true classic, a perfect summer salad is the mayonnaise potato salad, which I have made many times. As it is in our family, I'm sure it's a perennial favourite in yours too. You simply cannot go wrong with it.

Potato salad with mayonnaise

Traditional potato salad with mayonnaise, suitable as a side dish for the main course.

Crispy Crunchy Fried Noodle Salad

This Crispy Noodle Salad is perfect for lunches, dinners, or a side dish when friends come over.

Simple Classic Potato Salad Vegan

This vegan potato salad recipe flaunts vibrant flavors that hit just the right spot.

Warm Pear and Walnut Salad

One of my favorite, easy-to-make salads is this Pear and Walnut Salad.

Best Ever Basic Macaroni Salad

This Macaroni Salad is an excellent side dish to have on warm and sunny picnics or family barbecues.

Fall Roast Feta Pumpkin Salad

This Feta Pumpkin Salad is light, full of autumn flavors, and notably versatile. Ideal for cool nights or a healthy lunch alternative!

Classic Crunchy Carrot Salad

This dish is always a hit. It seems hard to believe that the simplicity of this tangy and succulent dish can bring such delight to the palate.