Easy homemade Asian chicken laksa soup

Laksa is a popular noodle soup with many ingredients, originating from the Peranakan culture and can be found in some regions of Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. This culture is a blend of Malay and Chinese cultures.

Quick and Easy Friday Night Dinners That Aren't Fast Food

The recipe can be found in this article

Quick and Easy Friday Night Dinners That Aren't Fast Food


number of servings
  • 1 bowl cooked shopped chicken breast Added to
  • 100 g soy noodles Added to
  • 12 bowl boiled quail eggs Added to
  • 1 bowl cooked green beans Added to
  • bowl cherry tomatoes Added to
  • Soya bean sprouts Added to
  • fresh coriander leaves Added to
  • 200 ml coconut milk Added to
  • 3 tablespoon olive oil Added to


30 min.
1. Step

Peel the garlic cloves and the spring onion. Cut into small pieces together with the fresh chillies.

2. Step

Add the garlic, spring onion and chillies together with the coriander, ginger, turmeric and about 200 ml of coconut milk in a blender and blend everything.

3. Step

Heat the oil in a frying pan. Pour in the crushed contents and cook for 2 minutes.

4. Step

Add the remaining coconut, chicken stock, kaffir lime leaves and/or lemongrass and salt. Cook until it starts to boil and leave it for about 5 minutes over medium heat.

5. Step

Put the mixture and the desired amount of chicken, egg, vegetables, tomatoes, sprouts and noodles in a bowl.

6. Step

Add as much stock as you like.

7. Step

Add fresh coriander for garnish. Eat and enjoy.

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