Easy and tasty tuna and salmon tartare with avocado sushi recipe

Sushi, a typical dish of Japan and world-known, is a rice-based preparation that is usually accompanied by other ingredients, such as raw fish, vegetables and seaweed. Sushi lovers will find amazing this tuna and salmon recipe.

Hooked on Tuna: 29+ Delicious and Healthy Tuna Recipes

The recipe can be found in this article

Hooked on Tuna: 29+ Delicious and Healthy Tuna Recipes


number of servings


  • 200 g fresh tuna Added to
  • 200 g fresh salmon fillet Added to
  • 2 limes Added to
  • 1 avocado Added to
  • 1 teaspoon smoked Tabasco Added to
  • salt Added to
  • ground black pepper Added to
  • extra virgin olive oil Added to


  • black sesame seeds Added to


20 min.
1. Step

Cut the fresh filleted tuna into cubes and then chop it with a knife.

2. Step

Transfer the tuna to a bowl and season with salt, pepper, oil and lime juice. Mix and leave to marinate for 5 minutes.

3. Step

Cut the salmon into small cubes, put them in a bowl and season with lime juice, salt and Tabasco. Mix well and leave to marinate for 5 minutes.

4. Step

Cut the avocado into cubes, put them in a bowl, add a pinch of salt, pepper and lime juice and mix.

5. Step

Place a pasta bowl on a plate and create the first layer with a few spoonfuls of avocado, gently levelling the surface. Then, add a few spoonfuls of salmon and level with a light pressure of the spoon.

6. Step

Decorate with black sesame seeds and then remove the pasta bowl.

7. Step

Make avocado pureé, add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and mix with a whisk until creamy.

8. Step

Place a bowl of pasta on a plate and start the composition with the first layer of tuna, level the surface. Then, add a tablespoon of avocado cream and another layer of tuna.

9. Step

Press the surface with a spoon, then remove the pastry ring. Decorate with slices of tuna rolled up like a rose and immediately serve.

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