Preview of Quick desserts

Quick desserts - quick and easy recipes - page 5

255 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Quick desserts. One of these 255 recipes may become your new favorite. You will need this much time for the following recipes 1 - 70 minutes. By clicking the recipe, you can see details about the preparation time and the number of portions. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Cheesecake Recipe Easy, Microwave Chocolate Brownie in a Mug Cake, English homemade honey crunchies recipe, Homemade custard cream recipe.

Chocolate fondue

This recipe for chocolate fondue is one of my absolute favorite desserts for special occasions or cozy evenings. It should be on every romantic dinner table. I have made it countless times for family and friends and it has always gone down a treat. The combination of melted chocolate and fresh fruit is simply unbeatable and the preparation is surprisingly easy.

Quick marzipan potatoes only 4 ingredients

Marzipan potatoes are an absolute treat, especially at Christmas time, and have always had a special place in our family. This sweet dessert, often underestimated as a snack, brings back childhood memories. Years later, I still prepare this recipe with enthusiasm and love. The wonderful thing about marzipan potatoes is that they not only taste delicious, but are also easy to make!

Prepare sweet shortcrust pastry

A butter shortcrust pastry forms the basis for many classic tarts and cakes. I have made this dough hundreds of times and it is always fascinating to see how such simple ingredients can be turned into something so delicious. The most important thing is that the butter is really cold and is processed quickly to achieve the best result.

Homemade marzipan

Marzipan is a favorite treat all over the world, especially in Germany where my grandmother always prepared homemade marzipan for us. This simple recipe is the very one I have been using to make marzipan for my family and friends for years. It has also helped me to relive the sweet taste of my childhood.

Egg white cookies with nuts

I always like to make this recipe for egg white cookies when I have leftover egg whites after baking. It's super easy and the cookies are delicious and high in protein. They are perfect for a snack between meals or on the go.

Chocolate frosting with butter

Recipe for chocolate buttercream frosting. It's perfect for cakes, muffins and other baked goods, even homemade cookies.

Florentine Almond cookies

This traditional Italian cookie is a favorite with my family and friends and I bake these delicious treats every year at Christmas time. The perfect blend of crunchy almonds, sweet caramel and dark chocolate makes these cookies irresistible!

Chocolate icing for candy

Chocolate frosting that is perfect for Christmas cookies.

Caramel cream

Recipe for caramel cream, which can be used as a filling for pancakes, as an accompaniment to pudding or desserts. I prepare it often for family celebrations and it is always a favourite. I love its subtle caramel aroma and full flavor that is both sweet and slightly bitter.

Tasty Christmas strawberries with chocolate

Nothing thaws the Christmas chill like the warmth of delicious chocolate-covered strawberries. This fruity, chocolaty specialty always ends up being the center of attention on the holiday table. I have prepared this recipe at several Christmas celebrations, and each time it is a hit. Everyone I know is always amazed by the delicious combination of fresh strawberries and melted chocolate, as well as the ease of preparation.

Homemade broken chocolate as a gift

This is a simple recipe for homemade broken chocolate that I have perfected over the years. It's a fantastic way to create individual, delicious treats that are a hit with adults and children alike. Vary the toppings as you like - they give the chocolate its very own character - the perfect Christmas gift!

Delicious Christmas fruit skewers

This recipe for Fruit Christmas Skewers has always been a highlight at my Christmas celebrations. The stacked colorful fruits create a rainbow of juicy and delicious flavors. The skewers, with their festive look, are a visual delight in addition to being a healthy dessert. Kids love to help string the fruits and everyone loves to eat them.

Gingerbread spice mix homemade

Homemade gingerbread spice mix is an integral part of Christmas baking. The aroma and freshness of homemade mixing is unsurpassed.

Old Fashioned Canned Cherries in Brandy

Enjoy this age-old recipe with a modern twist, and add a little cheer to your dessert table or gift someone a jar full of cherry-brandy joy!

Bake gingerbread men

These gingerbread men have been a firm tradition in my family for as long as I can remember. Not only do they get us in the festive spirit during the Christmas season, but they are also irresistibly delicious. They take a little time and patience to make, but the most valuable thing about baking these little men is the fun we have making them!